(click on images to view larger)

A glimpse of the 2004 A.O.P.E 
(Association of Op-Ed Editors)
through the eyes (and cameras) of NewsArteests.


Saturday photos

Christopher Hedges (N.Y.Times)

John Allison (Pittsburgh Post-Gazette)
and Peter Grad (Bergen Record  )

Clara Germani, (C.S.Monitor)

Lois Kazakoff (S.F.Chronicle)
with Richard Gross and Chris Hedges

John Timpane (Phila. Inq)
and Lou Ann Frala (Palm Beach Post)

Noel Rubinton (Newsday)
Richard Halicks  (Atlanta Constitution)
Waaaay back there is Jonathan Hunley
(Free Lance Star) and Carolyn Lumsden (Hartford Courant)

NewsArteests Tim Brinton
and Paul Lachine

Richard Gross (Balt. Sun)
sizes up Christopher Hedges

Op-ed arteest Libby Rock

Noel Rubinton, Marjorie Pritchard
 (Boston Globe), Carolyn Lumsden, 
Eric Ringham  (Minneapolis Star-Tribune)
 and Michael Delli Carpinni, conference
 host and head of the
Annenberg School

NewsArteests, Tim Brinton,
Paul Lachine and Margaret Scott

Paul Lachine

Libby Rock, Lois Kazakoff, Chuck Bernstein (Nat'l Environmental Trust), Chris Hedges, Jim Atkins (Toronto Star)

Tim Brinton

AOPE sketches...

...by John Overmyer...

...by Paul Lachine

...by Tim Brinton...

NewsArt Party Sat. night

Exotic dancer hired for the party. 
(Only kidding. See below)

(Clockwise from lower left)
Paul Maguire, Dean Rohrer, 
Lou Ann Frala, Nicole McKuen, 
Hostess Karen Maguire

Barrie Maguire (Cake all gone?)

Tim Brinton (background)
Matt Wuerker

John Overmyer

Dean Rorher, Karen Maguire, 
Tim Brinton

Paul Lachine, Jennifer Maguire


Blasts from the past

Henry and John

John Timpane and Scotia Macrae

Chris Reed (Orange County Register)

Newsarteest Eleanor Mill

Kendra Nordin (C.S. Monitor) 
resting her eyes.

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