777 New Drawings 888 New Animated Art # CITIES/SUBURBS/RURAL 1 City problems 2 City skylines 3 Communities / Volunteerism AKA Volunteerism AKA Neighborhoods 291 Housing and Real Estate 4 Rural / Farming AKA Agriculture AKA Farming 5 Suburbs 6 Cities - other # CRIME 7 Juvenile Crime / School Crime 8 Criminals AKA Mafia AKA Organized Crime AKA Burglary 9 Death Penalty AKA Capital punishment 11 Drug abuse / Illegal drugs AKA Cocaine AKA Crack AKA Heroin AKA Marijuana 12 Guns (civilian) 13 Gun Lobby AKA N.R.A. 280 Hate Crimes 14 Militia movement 15 Police / Fire Fighters 16 Prisons and sentencing AKA Sentencing 310 Sex Crimes AKA Rape AKA Pedophilia 17 Whitecollar crime AKA Whistleblowers 18 Crime - other AKA Security at home # EDUCATION 19 Higher Education AKA Colleges AKA College Graduates AKA Graduate Schools 20 Cost of education 21 Federal involvement with education AKA Afro-centric History AKA Euro-centric History 22 Job training 23 Minority education AKA Ebonics 24 Private / Parochial schools / Home Schooling AKA School uniforms AKA Parochial schools 293 Religion in Public Schools 25 Schools / Standards / Testing AKA National Standards AKA Educational testing 26 School vouchers 27 Teachers / Libraries / Books 28 Education - other AKA Drop-outs AKA Schools, deteriorization of # ENVIRONMENT 29 Animals AKA Trapping AKA Bald Eagle AKA Dinosaurs 30 Developers and the Environment 31 Endangered Species 32 The Planet AKA Rain forest 315 The Oceans 33 Pollution 275 Population / Census 34 Global Warming / Ozone 35 Public vs. Private land management AKA National Park management AKA Earth Summit 294 Recycling 36 Spring-Summer-Fall-Winter AKA Summer AKA Fall AKA Winter 37 Timber and Forest issues AKA Forest 38 Weather / Natural Disasters AKA FEMA, Federal Disaster Aid AKA Blizzards AKA Snow AKA Floods AKA Hurricanes AKA Earthquakes AKA Forest Fires AKA Drought AKA Tornados AKA Natural Disasters 39 Environment - other AKA Deer overpopulation # GOVERNMENT 40 Censorship 41 Congress 42 Entitlement programs AKA Welfare AKA Social Security 43 IRS / POST OFFICE 44 Federal government 350 Justice Department 45 Govt. spending 47 The Budget Deficit / National Debt AKA National Dept AKA Budget Deficit AKA Strawberry Boycott AKA Melting Pot AKA Farm workers 49 Statue of Liberty 50 Military AKA V.M.I. AKA Citadel AKA POW/MIA AKA Marines AKA Landmines 51 U.S. Wars AKA WW II AKA Vietnam War AKA Gulf War 52 Navy AKA Tailhook scandal 55 State and local government AKA State's Rights 56 Uncle Sam 57 Voting and Protest AKA Protest 58 The Black Vote / Minority Vote 59 The Women's vote 60 Government - other # POLITICS 352 2012 Presidential Race 345 2008 Presidential Race 336 2004 Presidential Race 251 2000 Presidential Race 61 Past Presidential Races 285 Former U.S Presidents 62 Politics in general AKA Campaign Trail AKA Political conventions 63 Politicians as a species 64 GOP vs. Dems -- Elephants and Donkeys 65 Negative advertising 66 Political ethics and scandals AKA Whitewater AKA Bribery 67 Politics of Patriotism 68 Campaign Finance / Special Interests AKA Fundraising scandals AKA Bribery 69 Whitehouse Politics AKA State of the Union speech 286 Impeachment of Bill Clinton 70 Politics - other # HEALTH 196 AIDS 289 Alternative Medicine 290 Anatomy / Body parts 270 Cosmetic Surgery 71 Cost of Health Care 72 Disease and Epidemics AKA Tuberculosis AKA Malaria AKA Mad Cow Disease AKA Epidemics AKA NIH AKA Cancer 279 Death 73 Doctors / Nurses AKA Nurses 74 Drinking (alcohol issues) AKA Alcoholics Anonymous 75 Prescription Drugs 76 Food / Diet / Fitness AKA Diet AKA Fitness AKA Vitamins 77 Handicapped / the Disabled AKA Disabled 78 HMOs and Hospitals AKA Hospitals 281 Medical Research / Cloning AKA Genetics 79 Medicare and Medicaid 80 Mental Illness 81 National Health Care 82 Organ transplants AKA Animal organs transplants 83 Smoking AKA Sin Taxes AKA Joe Camel 252 Teen Smoking and Drinking 84 Health - other AKA Acupuncture AKA Alternative Medicine # LAW 85 Constitution issues AKA Liberty Bell AKA First Amendment Rights AKA Constitutional Amendments 86 Judges and Juries AKA Juries AKA Family court AKA Courtrooms 87 Lawyers 287 Litigation 88 Supreme Court 89 Famous trials / Televised trials AKA O.J. Simpson trial 307 International Law 90 Law - other # MEDIA 91 Press coverage 92 Sex and violence in the Media / Ratings AKA V-chip AKA Television Ratings 277 Television 278 Radio 93 Entertainment Biz 94 Talk shows 353 Media Scandals 95 Media - other AKA Media mergers # ARTS 96 Federal arts funding 97 Private Arts funding / Arts biz AKA Orchestra funding AKA Copyright issues 98 Music AKA Rap music AKA Orchestra conductors AKA Conductors AKA Banjo AKA The Beatles 288 Writing / Literature 99 Arts - other # SPORTS 100 Baseball 101 Basketball 102 Business of Sports 103 Football AKA Stadiums 273 Soccer/Futball/World Cup 104 Golf 105 Ice Hockey / Track & Field / Boxing AKA Track & Field AKA Running AKA Jogging AKA Boxing 106 Olympics 107 Sports - other # BUSINESS / MONEY / ECONOMY 108 Advertising and Marketing AKA Telemarketing AKA Marketing AKA Promotion AKA Junk Mail 109 Business and Industry 111 Family finances AKA Credit Card Debt 112 Gambling AKA Casinos 113 Government involvement in Business 114 Jobs, layoffs, downsizing AKA Unemployment AKA Downsizing AKA Layoffs 115 Money / Banking AKA The Economy AKA Economics 116 Stock Market / World Markets AKA Investing AKA Monetary Policy AKA World Currencies 117 Rich and Poor 118 Taxes AKA Flat tax AKA Estate Tax 119 Unions vs. management 120 Workplace AKA Women in the workplace AKA Overtime AKA Job Sharing AKA Glass ceiling 256 Occupations 121 Money/Economy - other # TECHNOLOGY / SCIENCE / ENERGY 122 Computers and the Internet 261 The Computer Industry AKA Apple Computer AKA Microsoft 271 Cable / Telephone Industries 110 Energy Issues AKA Oil Industry AKA Nuclear Energy AKA Gasoline prices 123 High-tech trade wars AKA Micro Chip Wars 124 Porn on the Internet 125 Science AKA Super Collider AKA Cloning 260 Outer Space AKA UFOs AKA Comets AKA Hale-Bopp 126 Technology - other # TRANSPORTATION 127 Airlines AKA Airline disasters AKA Airport security 128 Auto industry AKA Fuel efficiency AKA Electric Cars 129 Highways / Infrastructure AKA Traffic congestion AKA Speed limit AKA Car phones AKA Driving AKA Bridges 130 Railroads AKA Amtrac 131 Taxis and Buses 132 Trucks 133 Waterways AKA Rivers 134 Transportation - other WAR ON TERRORISM 308 War on Terrorism - Overseas 321 Al-Qaida 322 Afghanistan/Taliban 331 War on Terrorism - other HOMELAND SECURITY 323 Dept. of Homeland Security 10 Domestic terrorism 324 Coast Guard 48 Immigration / INS 341 New Orleans/Hurricane Katrina 325 9/11 - World Trade Center 326 Domestic Intelligence/FBI/ATF 332 Homeland Security - other WAR WITH IRAQ 337 The Iraq War 327 Selling the Iraq War 329 Iraqi weapons inspections 328 Military actions in Iraq 333 War with Iraq - other # WORLD AFFAIRS # AFRICA 135 Africa # THE AMERICAS 136 Canada 257 Quebec Independence 137 Cuba 274 Central & South America AKA Caribbean AKA Brazil 138 Haiti 139 Mexico AKA Peso 140 The Americas - other # ASIA 141 Australia 142 China AKA Hong Kong 143 India-Pakistan 144 Japan 145 North and South Korea AKA North Korea AKA South Korea 268 S.E. Asia / Indonesia 146 Asia - other # EUROPE 147 Eastern Europe AKA Czech Republic AKA Balkans 148 Great Britain AKA England AKA Scotland AKA Wales 149 Ireland 150 European Union AKA Western Europe AKA EuroLand AKA The EURO AKA Common Market 151 Europe - other # MIDDLE EAST 344 Iran 158 Iraq 159 Israel AKA Jerusalem 160 Palestinians 334 Arab Countries / Saudi Arabia / Egypt 161 Middle East - other 162 Russia AKA U.S.S.R. # INTERNATIONAL TRADE 152 International Trade AKA GATT / NAFTA / G8 AKA World Trade Organizations 153 U.S. - Canada Trade 258 U.S. - China trade 284 U.S. - Europe Trade 154 U.S. - Japan Trade 155 U.S. - Mexico Trade 156 International trade - other AKA WORLD CONFERENCES AKA TRADE, INTERNATIONAL # INTERNATIONAL CONFLICTS / U.N. 157 Middle East Conflicts 164 United Nations / World Diplomacy 168 N.A.T.O. 169 Peacekeeping AKA Peace Conferences 166 International terrorism 283 Espionage / CIA AKA Spies 292 Famine 163 Uncle Sam abroad 165 Balkan civil wars (Kosovo,Bosnia) 170 African civil wars AKA Somalia AKA Burundi AKA Zaire 167 Northern Ireland troubles AKA Belfast AKA I.R.A. 171 International conflicts - other AKA Fascism # SOCIETY # ATTITUDES AND LIFESTYLES 172 Fads 259 Fashion 173 Fear 174 Gender gap / gender wars 175 Generation gap AKA Generation X 255 The Human Condition 253 Leisure / Travel / Vacations AKA Travel AKA Vacation AKA Tourists 176 Lifestyles AKA Shopping 177 Emotions (Love,Hate...) 262 Nostalgia 178 Patriotism 179 Politically correctness 265 Privacy 180 Psychology AKA Tunnel vision AKA Twelve-step programs AKA Alcoholics Anonymous 264 Sex 181 Attitudes and lifestyles - other AKA Signs of the Times # THE ELDERLY 182 Right to die AKA Suicide, assisted AKA Euthanasia 183 Elderly finances 184 Elderly fitness 185 Elderly health issues AKA Alzheimer's Disease AKA Nursing Homes 186 The Elderly vote AKA AARP 187 Elderly - other # FAMILIES / CHILDREN 188 Adoption 189 Children AKA Babies 269 Child Care 190 Domestic abuse AKA Spousal abuse 191 Families in trouble AKA Parental responsibility AKA Divorce 192 "Normal" families AKA Family Values 193 Single Parents AKA Nannies AKA Deadbeat Dads 194 Teenagers 254 Weddings / Marriage AKA Marriage 195 Families - other # GAYS AND LESBIANS 197 Coming out of the closet AKA Outing 198 Gay men 199 Gay marriage 200 Gays in the military 201 Lesbians 202 Prejudice against Gays AKA Gay bashing AKA Gays in Boy Scouts 203 Gays - other # HOLIDAYS 204 Christmas AKA Santa Claus 205 Ethnic Holidays AKA Quanzaa 206 Fourth of July 207 Holidays - religious 208 Thanksgiving 209 Valentines Day AKA Chocolate 210 Veteran's holidays AKA Memorial Day 272 New Year's Eve 211 Holidays - other AKA New Year's Eve AKA Halloween # MEN 212 Men aging issues AKA Baby Boomer Men 213 Fatherhood 214 Men's health issues AKA Prostate problems 215 Men - other # RACE 216 Poverty AKA Food Stamps 217 Homeless 218 Affirmative Action AKA Quotas AKA Race Card AKA Prop 209 219 Black family 220 Black History / Civil Rights / Slavery AKA Slavery AKA Million Man March 221 Interracial marriage 222 Multi-cultural issues 263 Native Americans 223 Race and crime AKA Gangs 224 Race relations AKA Bell Curve 225 Race - other # RELIGION 226 Christian Religion 312 Roman Catholic Church AKA Nuns 227 Church and State issues AKA Moral Majority AKA Creationism AKA Christian Coalition 228 Cults 229 Islamic religion 230 Jewish religion 231 New Age / Spirituality AKA Spirituality 232 Religions persecution AKA Holocaust AKA Church burnings 233 Religion - other # WOMEN 234 Abortion AKA RU 486 (morning after pill) 235 Women's aging issues AKA Menopause AKA Cosmetic surgery AKA Baby boomer women 236 Feminism 237 Motherhood AKA Mother's Day AKA Breast feeding 238 Women's health issues AKA Breast cancer 239 Sexual harassment 240 Pregnancy / Fertility AKA Teen Pregnancy AKA Birth Control AKA Contraception AKA Condoms AKA Family Planning AKA Pregnancy AKA Fertility AKA Sperm count AKA Reproductive Issues 241 Women in the military 242 Women - other # THE 50 STATES 342 Alabama 243 Alaska 314 Arizona 244 California 313 Colorado 296 Delaware 282 District of Columbia 246 Florida 339 Georgia 295 Hawaii 316 Illinois 349 Indiana 297 Iowa 338 Kentucky 300 Maryland 276 Massachusetts 346 Michigan 317 Minnesota 335 Mississippi 302 Missouri 299 New Hampshire 303 New Jersey 266 New York AKA Empire State Building 311 Nevada 306 North Carolina 304 Ohio 305 Oregon 247 Pennsylvania 248 Philadelphia 348 Rhode Island 309 Tennessee 249 Texas 298 Utah 250 South Carolina 343 South Dakota 347 Vermont 301 Virginia 340 Washington State 351 Wisconsin ########################### ##### NEXT:354 ########################## #PORTRAITS # A 738 Abul Abbas 745 Mahmoud Abbas 1102 Shinzo Abe 472 Crown Prince Abdullah al-Saud 844 King Abdullah of Jordan 438 D.A. Lynne Abraham 1069 Jack Abramoff 598 Mumia Abu-Jamal 660 Bella Abzug 663 Gerry Adams 440 John Adams 664 Bertie Ahern 1071 Mahmoud Ahmadinejad 570 Marv Albert 569 Madeleine Albright 429 Alan Alda 495 Prince Saud Al-Faisal 919 Ahmed al-Zawahiri 808 Muhammad Ali 1066 Justice Samuel Alito 1001 Iyad Allawi 1082 Claude A. Allen 615 Woody Allen 624 June Allyson 1109 Robert Altman 903 Idi Amin 648 UN Sec.Gen. Kofi Annan 1300 Casey Anthony 501 Yassir Arafat 621 Eddie Arcaro 603 Jean-Bertrand Aristide 662 Rep. Dick Armey 441 Lance Armstrong 997 Louis "Satchmo" Armstrong 947 Shoko Asahara 990 John Ashcroft 973 Bashar al-Assad of Syria 594 Haffex al Assad of Syria 1279 Julian Assange 649 Tariq Aziz 900 Jose Maria Aznar # B 1073 Michelle Bachelet 1299 Michele Bachmann 1122 Joan Baez 1111 James Baker 869 Ehud Barak 1114 Barbaro 858 Barbie (Doll) 1157 Daniel Barenboim 842 Barney 825 Bob Barr 857 Gary Bauer 1274 Jose Manuel Barroso 1242 Evan Bayh 933 Warren Beatty 1244 Glenn Beck 731 Samuel Beckett 1143 Ludwig Beethoven 744 William Bennett 1009 Sandy Berger 475 Milton Berle 421 Silvio Berlusconi 1065 Ben Bernanke 882 Carolyn Bessette-Kennedy 1136 Benazir Bhutto 940 Sen. Joseph Biden 695 Osama bin Laden 1115 Conrad Black 848 Justice Harry Blackmun 1208 Gov. Rod Blagojevich 665 Tony Blair 1042 Robert Blake 1129 Wolf Blitzer 725 Hans Blix 456 Michael Bloomberg 680 Sidney Blumenthal 1218 Bo Obama 1275 John Boehner 1040 John Bolton 447 Barry Bonds 634 Sonny Bono 1105 Borat 1103 P.W. Botha 1220 Susan Boyle 779 Lakhdar Brahimi 693 Marlon Brando 883 Carol Mosely Braun 922 Paul Bremer III 564 Justice William Brennan 625 Yul Brenner 502 Justice Stephen Breyer 503 David Brinkley 1303 Rebekah Brooks 944 Charlie Brown 1126 Gordon Brown 765 James Brown 759 Jerry Brown 1059 Michael Brown 504 Ron Brown 755 Lenny Bruce 942 Kobe Bryant 505 Pat Buchanan 1083 Art Buchwald 1188 William F. Buckley Jr. 814 Buffalo Bill 643 Warren Buffett 1136 Benazir Bhutto 736 William Bulgar 828 Senator Dale Bumpers 506 George Burns 479 Steve Burns 1213 Roland Burris 593 William Burroughs 674 Dan Burton 703 Barbara Bush 507 George H. W. Bush 849 George W. Bush 494 Jeb Bush 1010 Jenna Bush 998 Laura Bush 904 Cruz Bustamonte 705 Robert Byrd # C 1307 Herman Cain 1256 President Felipe Calderon 1238 David Cameron 837 Al Capone 986 Gov. Mel Carnahan 943 Gov. Thomas Carper 620 McCauley Caulkin 1199 George Carlin 1152 Jill Carroll 1031 Johnny Carson 681 Rachel Carson 803 James Carville 645 Jimmy Carter 508 Robert Casey 480 Robert Casey, Jr. 912 Johnny Cash 949 Rep. Mike Castle 509 Fidel Castro 1186 Raul Castro 737 Ahmed Chalabi 934 Wilt Chamberlain 572 Lon Chaney, Jr. 573 Charlie Chaplin 610 Prince Charles 1004 Ray Charles 840 Caesar Chavez 928 Hugo Chavez 991 Linda Chavez 967 Chen Shui-bian 978 Dick Cheney 1018 Mary Cheney 885 Viktor Chernomyrdin 1030 Michael Chertoff 450 Julia Child 712 Jacques Chirac 1063 Noam Chomsky 1262 Frederic Chopin 925 Jean Chretien 1297 Gov. Chris Christie 872 Warren Christopher 838 Winston Churchill 1147 Dick Clark 605 Marcia Clark 902 Gen. Wesley Clark 772 Richard Clarke 574 The Cleaver family 1051 Judge Edith Brown Clement 1253 Nick Clegg 511 Bill Clinton 1085 Chelsea Clinton 512 Hillary Clinton 602 Johnny Cochran 691 S.S.Agent, Larry Cockell 1089 Stephen Colbert 1216 Norm Coleman 510 Christopher Columbus 406 Sean "Puffy" Combs 432 Rep. Gary Condit 846 Calvin Coolidge 1000 Bill Cosby 916 Ann Coulter 1153 Katie Couric 873 Christopher Cox 1131 Sen. Larry Craig 1130 Jim Cramer 1134 Ryan Crocker 809 Walter Cronkite 575 Tom Cruise 513 Mario Cuomo 877 Lloyd Cutler # D 717 Lula da Silva 694 Dalai Lama 1141 Mayor Richard Daley 1016 Rodney Dangerfield 1047 Darth Vader 474 Charles Darwin 425 Tom Daschle 416 Gray Davis 1149 Shani Davis 1304 Troy Davis 723 Howard Dean 760 Judith Steinberg Dean 910 Tom DeLay 514 Deng Xiopeng 567 Princess Diana 708 Charles Dickens 1195 Bo Diddley 813 Joe DiMaggio 1112 Stephane Dion 1140 Mike Ditka 726 Christopher Dodd 595 Bob Dole 818 Elizabeth Dole 827 Marjory Stoneman Douglas 983 Mother Katherine Drexel 845 W.E.B.Dubois 1178 Aldus Dumbledore 1209 Arne Duncan 460 David Duncan 596 John E. DuPont 941 Pierre S. "Pete" du Pont IV 1144 Senator Dick Durbin 592 Bob Dylan # E 403 Dale Earnhardt 920 Shirin Ebadi 1050 Bernie Ebbers 1158 Roger Ebert 836 Thomas Edison 1022 Elizabeth Edwards 709 Sen. John Edwards 435 Ira Einhorn 576 Albert Einstein 632 Dwight D.Eisenhower 651 Michael Eisner 617 Dr. Joycelen Elders 611 Queen Elizabeth II 1163 Rahm Emanuel 992 Christoph Eschenbach # F 1049 King Fahd Bin Abdul Aziz 1187 Makhdoom Amin Fahim 641 Jerry Falwell 989 Shawn Fanning 607 Louis Farrakhan 1237 Brett Favre 865 Geoffrey Feiger 1048 Mark Felt 1248 Craig Ferguson 1286 Geraldine Ferraro 1175 Sally Fields 626 W.C. Fields 1210 Patrick Fitzgerald 430 Ari Fleischer 804 Larry Flynt 1101 Mark Foley 516 Steve Forbes 1302 Betty Ford 646 Gerald Ford 517 George Foreman 1137 Steve Fossett 597 Vince Foster 518 Rep. John Fox 974 Vincente Fox 673 Barney Frank 770 Al Franken 734 Gen. Tommy Franks 519 Benjamin Franklin 637 Louis Freeh 835 Sigmund Freud 1077 Betty Friedan 707 Bill Frist 915 Alberto Fujimori 1255 Sarah Furgeson # G 918 Muammar Gadhafi 834 Mahatma Gandhi 778 Sonia Gandhi 408 James Gandolfini 739 Gen. Jay Garner 565 Bill Gates 1229 Prof. Henry Gates 1106 Robert Gates 1249 Timothy Geitner 560 Dick Gephardt 577 Richard Gere 578 George Gershwin 766 Mel Gibson 1282 Gabrielle Giffords 1292 Yousef Raza Gilani 521 Newt Gingrich 614 Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg 679 William Ginsburg 851 Rudolph Giuliani 638 John Glenn 811 Lucianne Goldberg 1173 Whoopi Goldberg 676 Barry Goldwater 1025 Alberto Gonzales 952 Elian Gonzalez 871 Mikhail Gorbachev 561 Al Gore 609 Tipper Gore 1011 Porter Goss 579 Rev. Billy Graham 439 Katharine Graham 522 Phil Gramm 913 Dick Grasso 764 Spaulding Gray 566 Alan Greenspan 1172 Merv Griffin 1276 Andy Griffith 418 Bill Guarnere 936 Che Guevara 1305 Ozzie Guillen 613 Lani Guinier 436 Woody Guthrie # H 677 B.J. Habibie 1116 Chuck Hagel 954 Joerg Haider 853 Warren Harding 1075 Stephen Harper 1288 Tom Harpur 987 Katherine Harris 443 George Harrison 627 Gary Hart 1257 Nidal Malik Hasan 856 Dennis Hastert 850 Orrin Hatch 492 Dr. Steven Hatfill 1231 Yukio Hatoyama 523 Vaclav Haval 1090 Gen. Michael Hayden 1201 Isaac Hayes 1260 Tony Hayward 1264 Hugh Heffner 758 Teresa Heinz 953 Jesse Helms 711 Richard Helms 1160 Ernest Hemmingway 559 Katharine Hepburn 410 Audrey Hepburn 864 Charlton Heston 1123 Paris Hilton 753 John Hinkley 524 Adolf Hitler 812 James Hoffa, Jr. 996 Billie Holiday 1086 Natalee Holloway 937 Sherlock Holmes 1159 John Lee Hooker 854 Herbert Hoover 817 J. Edgar Hoover 683 Bob Hope 1099 Ryan Howard 860 Howdy Doody 1013 Hu Jintao 580 Webb Hubbell 1132 Gov. Mike Huckabee 1167 Jennifer Hudson 981 Ariana Huffington 414 Karen Hughes 1298 Jon Huntsman 843 King Hussein of Jordan 550 Saddam Hussein 698 Rep. Henry Hyde # I 800 Harold Ickes 1104 Michael Ignatieff 1117 Don Imus 1015 Yusuf Islam (Cat Stevens) 525 Lance Ito 1165 Molly Ivins 868 Allen Iverson # J 697 Rev.Jesse Jackson 619 Michael Jackson 1034 Ibrahim-al-Jaafari 484 Sir Mick Jagger 905 Bill Janklow 810 Thomas Jefferson 419 Sen. James Jeffords 1097 Warren Jeffs 1026 Ken Jennings 1055 Peter Jennings 821 Jesus 932 Wen Jiabao 917 Jiang Zemin 1214 Steve Jobs 1215 Joe the Plumber 914 Elton John 618 Pope John Paul II 816 Andrew Johnson 1310 Gary Johnson 1127 Lady Bird Johnson 644 Lyndon Baines Johnson 491 Sylvester Johnson 1072 Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf 469 Bill Jones 467 Chuck Jones 562 Paula Jones 652 Michael Jordan 640 Vernon Jordan 477 James Joyce # K 1246 Lech Kaczynski 635 Theodore Kaczynski 1252 Elena Kagan 701 Frida Kahlo 1219 Harry Kalas 1272 Naoto Kan 826 Radovan Karadzic 1096 John Mark Karr 454 Hamid Karzai 761 David Kay 1029 Tom Kean 733 John B. Keane 1008 Garrison Keillor 1196 R. Kelly 1183 Justice Anthony Kennedy 1212 Caroline Kennedy 526 John F. Kennedy 881 John F. Kennedy, Jr. 909 Joseph P. Kennedy, Sr. 1094 Patrick Kennedy 689 Robert F. Kennedy 995 Ted Kennedy 527 Jack Kemp 1027 Bernard Kerik 815 John F. Kerry 963 Bob Kerrey 528 Dr. Jack Kevorkian 930 Ayatollah Ali Khamenei 875 Mohammad Khatami 489 Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini 1191 Kilpatrick, Mayor Kwame 650 Kim Dae Jung 879 Kim Jong Il 878 Kim Il Sung 653 Don King 1076 Coretta Scott King 529 Martin Luther King 530 Larry King 988 Stephen King 1138 Cristina Kirchner 958 Jeanne Kirkpatrick 959 Henry Kissinger 968 Bobby Knight 581 Phil Knight (Nike) 1150 Don Knotts 1240 Amanda Knox 412 Junichiro Koizumi 409 James Kopp 985 Vojislav Kostunica 833 Sergi Koussevitsky 1308 Paul Krugman 741 Nikita Kruschev 757 Dennis Kucinich 841 Maggie Kuhn 1148 Michelle Kwan # L 946 Charles LaBella 1293 Christine Lagarde 423 Rep. Pete Laney 965 Else Lasker-Schuler 471 Cardinal Bernard Law 622 Steve Lawrence and Edie Gorme 457 Ken Lay 966 Rick Lazio 478 Jean-Marie Le Pen 458 Peggy Lee 957 Wen ho Lee 531 Vladimir Lenin 482 John Lennon 1180 David Letterman 428 Chandra Levy 639 Monica Lewinsky 1064 Lewis "Scooter" Libby 654 G. Gordon Liddy 980 Hadassah Lieberman 979 Joseph Lieberman 532 Rush Limbaugh 533 Abraham Lincoln 970 Eric Lindros 1110 Alexander Litvinenko 1204 Tzipi Livni 1171 Lindsay Lohan 487 Alan Lomax 685 Trent Lott 742 Martin Luther 749 Pfc. Jessica Lynch # M 1202 Bernie Mac 404 James Madison 1211 Bernie Madoff 1108 Madonna 1289 Bill Maher 1087 Jawad al-Maliki 1254 Robert Malone 714 John Lee Malvo 534 Nelson Mandela 535 Mickey Mantle 536 Mao 1176 Marcel Marceau 537 Subcomandante Marcos 931 Paul Martin 1247 Ricardo Martinelli 1268 Grocho Marx 696 Karl Marx 417 Crown Princess Masako 657 Judge Frederica Massiah-Jackson 876 Thabo Mbeki 498 Bill McBride 1198 Cindy McCain 862 John McCain 721 Paul McCartney 1041 The McCartney sisters 631 Sen. Eugene McCarthy 740 Sen. Joe McCarthy 1261 General Stanley McChrystal 1181 Scott McClellan 1226 Frank McCourt 655 James McDougal 767 Dr. Phil McGraw 434 Jim McGreevey 686 Mark McGwire 1084 Cynthia McKinney 720 Donovan McNabb 601 Robert McNamara 563 Timothy McVeigh 1074 Angela Merkel 571 James Michener 1278 Kate Middleton 1062 Harriet Miers 1271 Ed Miliband 1033 Arthur Miller 1012 Zell Miller 802 Slobodan Milosevic 538 Sen.George Mitchell 1294 Ratlo Mladic 420 Joseph Moakley 728 Khalid Shaikh Mohammed 1078 Mohammed the Prophet 1162 Mona Lisa 716 Walter Mondale 1156 Thelonious Monk 1145 Marilyn Monroe 1184 Hannah Montana 710 Michael Moore 924 Justice Roy Moore 1068 Evo Morales 730 Jim Moran 488 Zacarias Moussaoui 667 Sen. Daniel Patrick Moynihan 921 Mohamed Hosni Mubarak 433 Mueller, Robert S. 3rd 964 Robert Mugabe 713 John Allen Muhammad 1179 Michael Mukasey 923 Rupert Murdoch 1241 Brittany Murphy 1046 Mayor Dick Murphy 582 Eddie Murphy 1067 John Murtha 935 General Pervaiz Musharraf 1194 Riccardo Muti # N 962 Ralph Nader 1058 Mayor Ray Nagin 1095 Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah 1036 John Negroponte 539 Benjamin Netanyahu 583 Paul Newman 591 Terry Nichols 688 Jack Nicklaus 1164 Pat Nixon 540 Richard Nixon 490 Saparmurat Niyazov "Turkmenbashi" 771 Manuel Noriega 1091 Grover Norquist 541 Ollie North 1037 Gail Norton 1166 Lisa Nowak 1185 Michael Nutter # O 1189 Annie Oakley 1005 Barack Obama 1161 Michelle Obama 750 Bishop Thomas O'Brien 874 Sandra Day O'Conner 1270 Christine OĠDonnell 1113 Rosie O'Donnell 453 George O'Leary 584 Sir Lawrence Olivier 1070 Ehud Olmert 542 Jackie Onassis 756 Paul O'Neill 722 Yoko Ono 449 Daniel Ortega 1100 Terrell Owens # P 543 Sen. Bob Packwood 446 Ian Paisley 1120 Deborah Jeane Palfrey "D.C. Madam" 1203 Sarah Palin 682 Rosa Parks 1290 Dorothy Parvaz 724 George Pataki 1309 Joe Paterno 1267 Rand Paul 1139 Ron Paul 1205 Henry Paulson 1133 Luciano Pavarotti 1295 Tim Pawlenty 944 Peanuts 465 Danny Pearl 746 Gregory Peck 1265 Harvey Pekar 1054 Pele 719 Nancy Pelosi 633 William Penn 422 Gov. Rick Perry 544 Ross Perot 1222 Drew Peterson 1028 Scott Peterson 1135 General David Petraeus 1273 Fred Phelps 969 Regis Philbin 628 Edith Piaf 1266 Lou Pinella 805 Augusto Pinochet 486 Harvey Pitt 462 Pope Pius XII 1044 Pope Benedict XVI 972 Edgar Allen Poe 929 Pokemon 668 Pol Pot 1236 Roman Polanski 824 Jonathan Pollard 1174 Glenn Poshard 437 Harry Potter 545 Colin Powell 763 Michael Powell 684 Elvis Presley 1243 Rene Preval 1146 Richard Pryor 926 Vladimir Putin # Q 859 Dan Quayle 476 Queen Mother 908 Ahmed Qurei # R 546 Yidzak Rabin 1039 Dennis Rader 956 Jon Benet Ramsey 1119 Ayn Rand 1014 Dan Rather 424 Bill Ratliff 473 Robert Ray 547 Ronald Reagan 1007 Ron Reagan 548 Ralph Reed 1017 Christopher Reeve 1151 Dana Reeve 819 Justice Wm. Rehnquist 459 Andy Reid 1023 Harry Reid 455 Richard Reid 1006 Jodi Rell 961 Ed Rendell 612 Janet Reno 994 Condoleezza Rice 402 Marc Rich 1098 Ann Richards 1169 Keith Richards 549 Gov. Tom Ridge 468 Richard Riordan 427 Cal Ripken, Jr. 497 Scott Ritter 702 Diego Rivera 1052 Justice John G. Roberts 452 Pat Robertson 839 Paul Robeson 1021 Bishop Gene Robinson 463 Chris Rock 948 John Rocker 1224 Scott Roeder 1311 Buddy Roemer 727 Mister Rogers(Fred) 687 Roy Rogers 706 Roh Moo Hyun 960 Monsignor Oscar Arnulfo Romero 735 Mitt Romney 1306 Andy Rooney 515 Eleanore Roosevelt 822 Franklin D. Roosevelt 823 Theodore Roosevelt 704 Pete Rose 608 Dan Rostenkowski 692 Sen. William V. Roth, Jr 1285 Dilma Rousseff 431 Karl Rove 754 John G. Rowland 483 Coleen Rowley 590 J.K. Rowling 1170 Mike Royko 748 Eric Rudolph 400 Donald Rumsfeld 906 Salman Rushdie 1197 Tim Russert 831 Babe Ruth 1154 Governor George Ryan 1287 Rep. Paul Ryan 718 Winona Ryder # S 1221 Roxana Saberi 774 Moqtada al-Sadr 773 Andre Sakharov 1239 The Salahis 832 Jonas Salk 1124 Augusto C. Sandino 1227 Sen. Mark Sanford 951 Rick Santorum 1121 Nicolas Sarkozy 551 Wolfgang Savalisch 407 Richard Scaife 656 Justice Antonin Scalia 1043 Terri Schiavo 606 Rabbi Schneerson 801 Gerhard Schroeder 955 Charles Schulz 444 Brett Schundler 884 Arnold Schwarzenegger 829 Albert Schweitzer 1056 Pete Seeger 671 Jerry Seinfeld 604 Robert Shapiro 678 Nawaz Sharif 401 Ariel Sharon 690 Rev. Al Sharpton 1057 Cindy Sheehan 1284 Charlie Sheen 1301 Yingluck Shinawatra 661 Edwin Shoemaker 585 Martin Short 1230 Eunice Kennedy Shriver 907 Maria Shriver 863 Shel Silverstein 470 Bill Simon 752 Sen. Paul Simon 600 O.J.Simpson 552 Frank Sinatra 1207 Manmohan Singh 769 Ayatollah al-Sistani 1081 Jeffrey Skilling 776 Smarty Jones 1080 Anna Nicole Smith 1045 Snoop Dogg 1088 Tony Snow 1200 Alexander Solzhenitsyn 448 Susan Sontag 1125 Tony Soprano 1283 George Soros 880 Sammy Sosa 1223 Justice Sonia Sotomayor 553 Justice David Souter 1107 Brittany Spears 599 Senator Arlen Specter 1177 Phil Spector 1190 Eliot Spitzer 658 Dr. Benjamin Spock 1032 Spongebob Squarepants 729 Joseph Stalin 636 Kenneth Starr 1251 Michael Steele 485 Rod Steiger 982 Gloria Steinhem 855 George Stephanopoulos 1245 Justice John Paul Stevens 1019 Jon Stewart 670 Martha Stewart 939 Payne Stewart 554 Howard Stern 1263 George Steinbrenner 1291 Dominique Strauss-Kahn 950 John Street 442 Korey Stringer 672 President Suharto 413 Rev. Leon Sullivan 1035 Lawrence Summers 747 Aung San Suu Kyi 1232 Patrick Swayze # T 852 William Howard Taft 901 Charles Taylor 586 Elizabeth Taylor 1225 Koko Taylor 1182 Sean Taylor 870 George Tenet 555 Mother Teresa 587 Margaret Thatcher 556 Justice Clarence Thomas 1258 Helen Thomas 630 Sen. Fred Thompson 1038 Hunter S. Thompson 993 Tommy Thompson 411 Strom Thurmond 1079 Pat Tillman 977 Commisioner John Timoney 426 James Traficant 1235 Mary Travers 1281 Jean-Claude Trichet 445 David Trimble 642 Linda Tripp 984 Pierre Trudeau 820 Harry Truman 588 Donald Trump 1192 Tsvangirai, Morgan 762 Richard Tuite 1155 Studs Turkel 743 Bishop Desmond Tutu 1250 Mark Twain 629 Twiggy 557 Mike Tyson # V 1024 Theo van Gogh 1280 Herman Van Rompuy 945 Greg Vega 807 Gov. Jesse Ventura 1128 Michael Vick 1118 Kurt Vonnegut # W 1217 Rick Wagoner 451 John Walker Lindh 699 George Wallace 830 Raoul Wallenberg 1269 Elizabeth Warren 520 George Washington 499 Father Paul M. Washington 466 Sherron Watkins 675 Henry Waxman 589 Dr. Andrew Weil 1296 Anthony Weiner 496 Jack Welch 715 Senator Paul Wellstone 1233 Kanye West 493 David Westerfield 1259 Betty White 669 Reggie White 911 Christine Todd Whitman 1092 Elie Weisel 1060 Simon Wiesenthal 1003 Oscar Wilde 1277 Prince William 971 Anthony Williams 976 Serena Williams 461 Ted Williams 975 Venus Williams 1061 August Wilson 1234 Joe Wilson 481 Rilya Wilson 1093 Valerie Plame Wilson 847 Woodrow Wilson 647 Oprah Winfrey 1053 Walt Whitman 700 Paul Wolfowitz 568 Tiger Woods 775 Bob Woodward 415 William Wordsworth 1193 Jeremiah Wright 659 Judge Susan Webber Wright 751 Orville & Wilbur Wright 659 Judge Susan Webber Wright 1206 Joe Wurzelbacher(Joe the Plumber) 623 Tammy Wynette # X 616 Malcolm X # Y 806 Sheik Ahmed Yassin (Hamas) 464 Andrea Yates 1002 Ghazi al-Yawir 732 W. B. Yeats 558 Boris Yeltsin # Z 768 Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero 1020 Abu Musab al-Zarqawi 927 Ernesto Zedillo 1228 Manuel Zelaya 1168 Sam Zell 866 Vladimir V. Zhirinovsky 861 Zhu Rongji 867 Gennady A. Zyuganov ########################### ### Next: 1312